"The values of kindness, respect and faith that are so embedded in the school's daily life have greatly influenced their development and have set a solid foundation for their future."

Our Vision

At Holy Family, we have many wonderful aspects that enable our children to grow in a nurtured, spiritual way, as well as being given the opportunity to excel academically and be the best version possible of the person God intended them to be.  These are the things that we want to capture and enhance as we build our School Improvement Plan, to ensure that we are supporting the children as they continue along their learning journey. We believe that we all work to value, inspire and challenge all those who are part of our family.

Value: Every child is precious; we celebrate their individuality while making memories as a family.

"Individuality: it's not about copying someone else; it's about you leading you." (Yr 4)

Inspire: Through an exciting curriculum we ignite our children's passion for life-long learning as they start their journey of discovery,  awe and wonder.

"I am inspired by what the older children do." (Yr 1)

Challenge: We develop each child's strength of character by providing opportunities for them to overcome problems and take risks so that they realise their potential is limitless.

"You just keep trying and trying and trying until...one day, guess what? You can do it!" (Yr 2)